Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Family Picture Day

A couple of weeks ago I told Hondo and the tribe that we would be having our family portraits made. Second only to having to take them all shoe shopping...you can imagine the groaning and moaning that followed. The theme this year was pink polos and khaki (more groans and moans) and the dogs were going to be in the pictures with us (oh lord the world has come to an end). Come on people I only ask that we do this once a year!

Sunday we loaded up the tribe and 3 dogs ...everyone was clean, pressed and presentable. Maxwell was dressed in his pink playboy bunny shirt, all the girls had on matching necklaces, Dallas had on her new pink collar, Hondo and Nick both kept the scruffy look and did not shave...I love it when they are manly...we were ready to roll.

We even stopped in the front yard to practice before we left.

Not sure what it was lack of caffeine, menopause or just pure ignorance on my part...but what in the world ever possessed me to think this was a great idea? Seriously I am the Mom of 6 kids...I am a Registered Nurse for goodness sakes...I make life and death decisions under pressure! At what point in my life did I completely lose all sense of reality?

The man who took our picture was afraid of dogs...not a great start with 2 huge Shepherds...Maxwell instantly hated the photographer and every time he came near us he growled...heck he growled the whole time...Dallas and Deacon picked that precise moment to act out something they had seen on wild kingdom...someone pulled the wire that connected the flash to the camera, took old boy 15 minutes to figure that one out he was so flustered. He took all the pictures while standing on a stool(wuss).
Hondo asked Ben if he farted, guess old boy's name was Ben, so he was instantly insulted and it took another 15 minutes to explain that while we understood no one had ever asked him that while being photographed...we truly were not asking him if in fact he farted. The air was not on in the room so my hair fell in 5 minutes flat (literally). The back drop was not big enough to fit us all so we sat on top of each other...and Cassie picked that precise moment to out Ben for having a girl friend. We finally got a few pictures taken...I am praying that just one will be acceptable...I told him that if my face looks fat he better air brush it before I see it. Hondo whispered in my ear about half way through "I am a patient man, but ever ask me to do this again and you won't like the _____ing answer". Is it wrong that I giggled?

The final straw was as we all managed to stand up, stretch out, wipe the dog hair off our face...we looked over and Dallas and Deacon were laying picture perfect on the back drop...Hondo and I have decided that those will probably be the only pictures worth buying.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

It's finger licking good!

There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do any business from there. Colonel Sanders

I am on another crazy diet....so what's new. I have set a certain amount of calories every day and am not cheating. I have a little black dress I want to wear next weekend...and because it is a "little" black dress it's a smidgen tight right now.

My lunch has consisted of grilled chicken and green beans all last week. KFC makes a grilled toasted wrap and with the green beans it is exactly 300 calories...50 less than I am allotting for lunch.

Yesterday I drove through while on the phone with my office mate and placed my order. Getting real good at eating, driving and talking...did I really just admit to that? ... I proceeded out the drive thru and onto the highway.

You can imagine my surprise when I unwrapped the bag and was hit with the best smell in the whole freaking entire world....FRIES. Some fool(greatest person in the whole entire world) had put fries and not green beans in my bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pulled over in a dentist parking lot...with my hand in the bag...and told Rosalind I had to call her back. For no less than 3 minutes I sat with my hand just stuck in the bag. A proud woman would not be able to admit this...but pride is not my thing...as I sat with my hand in the bag I actually found myself rubbing the fries, caressing them if you will...wondering how many of them were in the bag and what would happen if I just licked them for a "taste".

I don't have a damn bit of will power...I ate them all...all 14 of them...I even licked my fingers when I was done...I wish you could have heard Rosalind laugh when I called her back to tell her of my predicament and the outcome...she said that someone was testing me...and I kinda didn't pass....KINDA? Ya think?

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Mama needs a new ride!

It is time for a new car!

In 2001 when I met Hondo I had a car that the kids called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It was a burgundy Ford Aerostar with 180,000 miles on it, no air, a few dents, never had the oil changed, leaked water in the back windows when it rained (I kept rain jackets in the back for riders so no one would complain), because it rained in the back when it got warm it grew mushrooms on the carpet, I had a permanent emesis pan in the console for barfing kids, there was the most unusual smell that same out from under the front passenger seat (maybe from the barfing kids?) and if you were going up a hill every one in the car had to lean forward so you could make it. For 2 1/2 years I don't think he ever rode in Chitty.

I adored this van. There were so many memories and laughter in it...many trips to the beach...teaching Nick how to drive...NO CAR PAYMENT...and all the baseball games and fire works that were watched from the tail gate.

All good things do come to an end... and one day Hondo made me change the oil . He gave me a lecture about car care and women yada yada yada....and well that was the end of Chitty. She just couldn't take the rich crude...and she died. I still have a picture some where of all the kids hugging her before she made her way to her new home.

So began the quest for a new car. This is a true test of a relationship...at least it was for us. Hondo is a methodical, list making planner man....and I am instant gratification girl. What started off as an adventure for me soon became something I can only describe as what it would feel like to have your finger nails pulled off one a time...with hot tweezers.

I knew (exactly) what I wanted...(anything but a Mini Van)...a Trailblazer, white with a sun roof and a DVD player and leather seats...maybe with OnStar...and it would be great if it came in a convertible....unrealistic but great none the less.

SEVERAL weeks later I drove off the lot in a silver Chrysler Mini Van..I got my leather seats and DVD player but there was no sun roof, it wasn't sporty, and it certainly wasn't a convertible. I do remember a conversation that included "babe we have 6 kids and a dog"...yada yada yada.

So it's been 4+ years...and I have to admit this was the right purchase. I love my van..it fits the tribe well and I am going to hate to see it go...but it's time.

I have been watching cars as I drive back and forth to work for the last month or so...getting the kids input (Ben is voting for a Lotus) and I am loving the little convertible doodle bugs...being ever practical I know that will never happen...I would have to strap the kids to the hood, maybe even drag a couple behind the car by a rope...and always drive with the top down so that the dogs can fit...but a girl still has to have a dream.

Last week I saw the new Ford Taurus wagon...it actually is very sporty..plenty of room for the dogs...and it has this doo dad where you can talk on your phone from the dashboard...so cool.

I convinced Hondo to pull into a Ford lot on Saturday...with the promise that if anyone came towards the car we were pulling out faster than you can say "hot flash". Guess he forgot who he was dealing with. The only one was up on the rack at the front of the lot for all to see....so I climbed up the rack and peered in...not getting a great view ...I noticed a very pleasant gentleman walking over so I asked him to pull it down for me to look at. OF COURSE he would...so he went and got the keys...I avoided looking at Hondo...invited all the kids out of the car to look with me...this car was a beaut! The seats are soft...the visor has a cool lighted up mirror...the radio is jamming and the dashboard lights up like a 747...I am sold.

Tom...yes that was the salesman's name (it is fate if you ask me)...asked if we wanted to test drive it....well OF COURSE we did...until I looked over at Hondo...I am all about pushing the envelope...but even I know when to stop lol. Apparently Hondo had to use the little boys room (we had just pigged out on greasy yummy Lazy Donkey) and did not say anything to me ...so he had been sitting by in misery while I looked at myself in the mirror and saw how far the seats laid back....

We got Tom's business card...I just know fate has it in store for me to have this car...so pray for me...and know that when it comes time to "car shop" I will be sending Ben and Noah out with Hondo.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Catch up

Last week was a long week....always one who has her finger dabbling in something... I am currently working 2 part time jobs. As I have told you before being a school nurse pays peanuts, I am rich in many ways because of the time I get to spend with my children. From a financial stand point...well plain and simple it bites.

I have a couple of big ticket items in mind...and being the stubborn person I am ...I have decided that I am going to fund them myself and not ask Hondo to help.

So last week I worked after school every night to include Saturday. I am BEAT!

The kids stepped up as expected and believe or not...every person was nurished, bathed, had clean clothes and no one came and condemed the house. Not to say that there were not a few little hiccups but in the grand scheme of things ..this Mom is not complaining.

We institued a new phase of the "letter" last week. NEVER being parents who believed in allowance...we had to do something about the hand outs that are never ending in a house this size. Plus...well...they just have been so helpful that we figured they earned it. So Sunday night is now "payday" for tribe. There is no set amount...although we have to keep it reasonable or we would have to take a second mortage. The rules are simple...the pay varies for each child and week to week, you must use it for all the extras you want (jewelry, candy, school dances etc), no one is monitoring how you spend it but you are encouraged to save for a rainy day, and if you discuss your salary you are fired.

Seemed to go well for the most part. Like most teenagers it is burning a hole in thier pocket. Allie who has been saving for a while has decided she wants to pierce her belly button (something that makes Hondo green and stutter everytime she mentions it) and the boys were seen flying through the cul-de-sac with a Publix bag filled with candy. Hey its thier money and they are not asking us for it!

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Monday

"Take time to come home to yourself every day." -- Robin Casarjean

Well we made it through the weekend. Hondo passed through for one day...fly by Hondo sighting...long enough to recharge his battery...make the change from Brazilian time to US...wash a few clothes...give hugs and kisses and head out the door to Mexico City.

Ben and Noah went to work with Jeffery and Brians dad...not sure what all they did but there was talk of lawn mower races.

Noel stayed the night with Sami and babysat...and we took Allie and Cassie to the movies (Monsters vs Aliens)...save your money it is a rental not movie theater worthy.

For those waiting for the big bang...he didn't flip out at all over the bookshelf. In true Hondo fashion he drove to Home Depot....bought some wood filler and began the task of trying to fill in the destruction. I am a true believer that jet lag can save a marriage...he was just too dang tired to be upset. I will be remembering that for the future!!!!!!!!!

I had the privilege Friday of being able to help with the Special Olympics. All of the schools that I serve have special needs classes...so I had bunches and bunches of kids to cheer on. Those who know me know that its events like this that keep me grounded. The inner nerd in me comes out as I stand on the side lines and scream and then roll on the ground as my "kid" wins. The wonderful thing about this event is everyone is a winner...the county nurses got to hand out awards to all the winners of the track events...and in true "Babs" form...if a child said blue was their favorite color...then they got a blue ribbon...

The best part for me was that there is actually the job of "Hugger". You get to wear a beautiful yellow ribbon with "Hugger" on it...and all the athletes know that they can come to you for a very special award...a great big hug...so my arms were tired, my throat hurt from yelling...and I was sunburned...perfection!

As I was sitting there watching these children compete, it was not lost on me how special they truly are. The mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters and family that raise these children give new meaning to unconditional love, determination, faith, compassion...and can teach us ALL a little about life. Next time I hear a story about some superstar personality, athlete or singer being a role model for our society or for our youth...I will reflect back to the women and men I met Friday....they are real role models...and I am reminded "Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times."

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A note from Dad

I thought I would post this on your blog until I discovered I had to establish some sort of an "account" on one of a number of sites. So, here it is......(FYI: He sent this today via email)

When I first met Maam (This is what we call my mother)she wore "cat eye" glasses, so sexy. Shortly after turning 40, I like you went from no glasses perfect vision to bifocals in one painful leap. Shortly thereafter, my eldest child presented me with my first grand child (Ummmmm I think he is talking about me) Hmmmm, anyone see a pattern here? Sir :-)

I guess, better here than online. hehehe Dad

(That's what he thought hehehe)

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Through the looking glass

Did I say it is only Wednesday?

I got up this morning thinking...it's hump day woooooohoooo. Only to look at my calendar and realize that I had to go to the eye doctor. In a family where Macular Degeneration runs rampant this is not an appointment you miss because it's been a cruddy week....its not like you have to shave your legs to see this doctor... Or so I thought....

I can not even think of anything witty to say ...I have to have #$*^%^$%#$#@#$ BIFOCALS!

Not one to age gracefully I have moaned and whined and rolled on the floor until even I am sick of hearing me!

I have perfect vision! BIFOCALS????? I picked out as sexy a pair as I could find...BIFOCALS????? In true Hondo form he sent me an email telling me he has always loved women who wear glasses...claimed it was some librarian thing....BIFOCALS???? You have got to be freaking kidding me!

This has to be my kids fault somehow!

It may never be easy (BIFOCALS????) but it will always be worth it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm a closet rocker chick

I thought I was done blogging for the night..AND THEN...American Idol came on.

I am almost embarrassed to admit that I have never and I mean never missed an episode on American Idol.

I not embarrassed to admit that I LOVE Rock and Roll. The Who, Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton, The Doors, The Eagles, Nirvana, Van Halen, Kiss, REM, Grateful Dead, Steeley Dan, Aerosmith, Ozzie, U2, Prince...the list could go on and on.

My tribe gets embarrassed when I "Bang my head" in the car....they ALL knew the words to every song on Queen's greatest hits before Pre-K...Bon Jovi is just yummy...and if I wouldn't get fired I would have pink and green hair (my Mom would have killed me as a child).

This years contestants may be the best of any season.....but there is one that has taken the stage hostage....Adam...Adam...Adam.

This kid can ROCK! In the words of the judges he has mad skills. I look forward every week...wondering what he is going to sing..and have not been disappointed yet. I will be first in line to buy his first single! He makes me remember that I was "Born to be wild".

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.


My new good luck charm compliments of KDL

This has been a rough week and it is only Tuesday.

Someone asked me recently if everything was always so joyful and happy in our house. They were perplexed that I did not write about bad, sad and yucky stuff. My reply ... "life is good". I had a boss once that told me "Shannon, not everyone wears rose colored glasses". My attitude is that if you always look for the silver lining, the bad stuff just doesn't seem so bad. I have healthy children, a profession that I love, a roof over our head, a husband that puts up with my inability to stay grounded in reality and loves me for it and an extended family and friends list most people can only dream about.

This doesn't mean that life is perfect...marriage is hard work...really hard work...children are impossible and being a mother is exhausting. Dealing with EX's is difficult and the relationships fragile and I spend from 4pm-930pm shuttleing kids to and from after school activites. I look forward to the weeks Hondo is out of town because I can get away with not shaving my legs the whole time (gross I know but you women know what I am talking about)and I can feed the kids PopTarts for dinner. Visine is my best bud these days...and I carry a toothbrush in my purse for the days when I "forget" before I head out the door.

Did you ever watch the TV show Designing Women? There was an employee on the show named Anthony Bouvier played by Mesach Taylor. He had served time in prison and he called it his "Unfortunate Incarceration". I giggle every time I talk about a friend of ours...KDL...we refer to her as our friend we met during an "Unfortunate Experience"....for some reason I think back to this TV show...it was always one of my favorites...I so wanted to be Julia Sugarbaker...she made high heels cool and she could drop you to the ground with just a look.

This week I had the following email exchange with KDL...
Her: I found a four leaf clover I am sending your way.

Me:Girl you better send that 4 leaf clover quick ...I am going to need more than luck to explain how Deacon ate the new bookshelf last night!

Her:OH SH**!!! Is Hondo in town? if not maybe you can have time to establish
your "strategerie" (one of my favorite words)
Dogs eating furniture~he really does live in a zoo!
The postman actually just picked it up so u should get it 2moro.
Loved my morning blog. (Kinda gettn addicted to it)
The conversation in the van on way back from 6 Flags.....priceless! I wouldve paid $ to have seen that in person. I can just see your "innocent face" playing right along.
THIS ONE IS TIED FOR 1ST with the O'CHARLEY'S/ANUS incident....
Sad that Cassie missed Easter~I wouldve loved to have heard her version of rabbit balls!

I really am serious about just sitting in a corner for a couple of days...

Me: No he is not and I just found the remote to his new tv under the bookshelf in pieces too. Think I should blog it instead of telling him about it?

Her:I'm thinking the blog could be a very useful tool here. Smart Thinking!
I'll be waiting for the blog with the 'story' & the results of the 'grand disclosure.'

I have found that starting a story with:"HONEY...NONE OF THE KIDS ARE SICK OR IN JAIL..."
can be a very effective process!
Good luck with this one, my love.xoxoxo

So here I sit...praying that he stays busy so that he doesn't read the blog until he is in the airport on his way home. This has been a very rough week for the tribe.
So far the tally is the following (remember it is ONLY Tuesday)
1 Bookshelf
1 Remote to Tv
1 Cell phone (dropped in the toilet by Moi)
1 Chewed dog training remote (compliments of Deacon)
2 Barstools (Nick hung wet shirts on them to dry and it took off the finish, my punishment for making them do their own laundry?)
1 Cactus and planter (compliments of the storm)
I have an unexplained rash on my neck that I am chaulking up to stress.
We have already overslept 2 mornings
and the rain has turned our yard into a swamp...which means I have paw prints EVERYWHERE.

As I sit here trying not to cry today I recieved my four leaf clover in the mail (yes she really had one and she really mailed it!). Think anyone at work will notice if I show up to work tomorrow.... with the thing taped to my forehead?

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Mini a couple of months before she went to doggy heaven.

Maxwell's first picture (this was the picture on the internet that got me hook line and sinker.

Maxwell today.

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. ~Gilda Radner

Every dog family I know has a breed that they consider the perfect dog. For me it is the Rat Terrier. Several years ago we brought home a lovely pup we named Mini. She only lived about 5 years before Congestive Heart failure took her to heaven. I thought I would never get another one ...the heart ache was to great. Mini went EVERYWHERE with us (even to Grandma's condo in Florida). Hondo allowed her to sleep in the bed...and she had a gentle soul that could capture anyone's heart.

Fast forward a year after her death and it was time to find another "Rat". Several hours on the internet landed the perfect baby....emails back and forth...and a trip to the airport in Atlanta and Max was added to the tribe.

He is NOTHING like Mini...he is heck on wheels...barks at the wind...thinks he is 10 feet tall...eats like a long shore man...constant motion...and loves the world. In my opinion although nothing like Mini...he is 6 pounds of perfection. He makes me laugh just watching him. My BFF has nicknamed him Maxi-Pad...and it suits him. He fits in your purse...but you can not make him sit still long enough to go for a "ride". The dog trainer that works with Dallas and Deacon has said on several occasions that he is NOT a real dog. He loves to eat chicken burritos or anything else for that matter.

His bestest bud is Lula Belle...even though she out weighs him by 4 or 5 pounds. Every morning they "chase" each other in circles through the house, each giving the other a turn to be the leader.

He is 2 years old now...and knowing that this breed does not live long...I have had to put him on a diet...we want him around for a longggggg time.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Pedro Bunny comes to Villa Rica

Guacamole, Steak and shrimp fajitas, cheese dip, Aunt Susan's famous bean dip, pico and enchiladas. YUM

Every day is a holiday with Deacon by my side (awwwwww)

Parker...my nephew...Parker taught me how to be an Aunt(I still owe him a pony)...he is by far the funniest dang kid I know(gets that from me) and he is a walking sports dictionary.

The Whole Tribe

The Guys... Hondo, Sir, Nick, Ben, Noah and Parker

The Girls...Noel, Me, Allie, Maam, Erin and Baby Nora

Rabbit Balls

Baby Nora(this girl melts my heart and makes me putty)

Several years ago we started an Easter family tradition. Not big fans of traditional dinner we decided to have Tex-Mex for Easter dinner. Considering every family in our tribe eats some form of Mexican 2-3 times a week..it is only fitting. It soon became known as Pedro Bunny and now he visits every year.

My sis came down with her gang on Friday (and her new puppy Roxie the Foxie Doxie) and my parents followed on Saturday morning. My BIL Jamie had duty at the Fire Hall...it is not the same with out him around. Not everyone is so lucky to have a handsome fireman in the family...and while we know he is our HERO we miss him dearly. It is always a house full and always a blast. Cassie was with her Dad this year and her smiling face was missed by all. This year we had the ping pong table to entertain the mass, along with the poker table and the board games...if you have not played Catch Phrase I suggest you play, it is a great game for all ages...although watching Allie try to figure out how to define "sex change" was hilarious (I still say you guys cheated).

My Mom made Cake Pops...white cake on a stick dipped in chocolate...they were heavenly...and in typical tribe fashion they became known as Rabbit Balls and not Cake Pops.

It is very weird to have no Easter baskets, this group thinks they are to old...that did not stop every one from eating a load of candy.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Glutton: one who digs his grave with his teeth.

Tom (blinded by the light)

The tribe, minus Cassie and Nick after a fun filled day at Six Flags

The Army Adventure Tent

Ben and Noah with Wonder Woman (Yes she is real and I Wonder what Noah is thinking?)

Over the last couple of years we have had a Spring Break tradition....SIX FLAGS.

This year the weather almost kept us away but Wednesday turned out to be a beautiful spring day. Knowing that we were going to try to head out I made sure that I did not eat anything but a Slim Fast on Tuesday.

I am not sure what happens to me when I hit an amusement park....maybe its the smells...maybe its all the excitement...but the adrenaline does something to my body, and I NEVER get enough to eat. At one point Noah actually said "Mom eat another thing and I think I may barf for you". A quick run down on what I ate...cheezits on the way to the park, peanut butter crackers while I waited for everyone to get settled, lemonade while the girls went to the bumper cars, soft pretzel with cheese while we waited to get on Goliath, a turkey leg with fries and a diet coke after Goliath, a little of Tom's ice cream on the way to Superman (almost tossed cookies on this one), kettle corn on the way to Batman, a frozen lemonade on the way to the Georgia Scorcher, A chili cheese polish sausage before Acrophobia (with part of Noah's Funnell Cake for dessert), DipNDots while we waited for the kids to ride the bumper cars again and a diet coke to walk to the car. (I am completely ashamed as I write this and am not even going to consider counting these calories).

We had a blast as usual...Allie rode Goliath for the first time...all the tribe was well behaved and lots and lots of laughter filled our day. OH and I found 4 lucky pennies!

I do believe the funniest moment of the day happened in the car on the way home. I was trying to capture a few last minute pictures and in the excitement took a picture of Hondo while he was driving...the following conversation is still making me giggle....
Hondo-what the heck???
Me- Oh my gosh I am so sorry
Hondo-did you really just flash a bright light in my eyes while I am driving 70 miles per hour?
Me- Ummmm yes
Hondo- Have you lost your mind?
Me- Ummmm yes
Hondo-I think I am blind
Hondo-Do you ever wonder where the children get it?
Me- yes dear
Hondo-I live in a zoo
Me-(duh) giggle

I love family time, I love roller coasters and I LOVE me some funnel cakes!

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

“Luck is believing you're lucky.”

“You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?”
Clint Eastwood

My sister has always had the luck of the Irish. No matter where she went she could look down and see a 4 leaf clover. I am still amazed that she can walk into a field, look down for a second (she does not even have to get on the ground), and reach out and come up with a 4 leaf clover. I think her record is 12 in 60 seconds. Amazing.

If you have read my blog at all...you know I am constantly telling you how lucky I am. Genetics? Maybe.... About dang time? Heck yes

I do not consider myself superstitious....I don't cringe at the number 13, I don't have to turn around when a black cat crosses my path,I walk under ladders,I can open an umbrella in the house, I delete chain e-mails....I HAVE been known to pick up my feet going over a rail road track and I still hold my breath going through tunnels, I cross my fingers when I buy a lottery ticket... so maybe I am just a little superstitious.

Recently I have been finding pennies, lucky pennies. It started about 4 weeks ago, I looked down and saw a penny on heads, brought it home and placed it on the back splash in my bathroom. The next day I found another, a couple of days later another...well you get the picture. So far its 14 pennies...Hondo has accepted this oddity as he has most of the other off color (weird) things I come up with. He smiles with polite humor as I offer up one of my lucky pennies to help with an important business deal. He never says a word as he sees me slip one into my pocket or into my shoe. I wish I could capture the look on his face as I ask him if he would like to "rub" my penny before he heads out of town. After all he is the one who told me "I would rather be lucky than good".

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Best friends.

One of the best things about living in a neighborhood is that my tribe has kids thier own age to hang out with.

Noah and Ben had "bestest buds" Jeffery and Brian over to spend the night Saturday night. Brian is hiding somewhere in the covers as they watch morning cartoons.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Spring cleaning with the tribe.

Tom and Ben hanging the new front porch light.

Lula Belle enjoying Spring Break

Allie vacuuming out the car.

Noah and Ben cleaning to garage.

Chillaxing after a hard days work.

Allie "beautifying" Dallas

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Call me a nerd, call me a kid, call me late for dinner but ITS SPRING BREAK and I am one happy woman.

Spring Break has officially started for the tribe! 9 Days of sleeping late, staying up to watch trash TV, no make up (okay not really) and hanging out with my kiddos.
PERFECTION at its best.

I don't have many requests in the movie department, I am the one in the family who will follow along blindly and watch what anyone else wants to see...I am just happy to have pop corn and a coke icey. However one of my all time favorite movies came out with a sequel...Fast and the Furious....go figure, I know...but Paul Walker is dreamy and Vin Diesel is about as perfect as a bald man can get....so I drug the tribe to opening night last night...this movie met all my expectations and more...no wonder Hondo would not let me drive home last night...I had the F&F fever when it was over. A mini van just doesn't "drift" the way it should and my old lady reaction time isn't what it used to be.

Noah and Noel went to spend the night with classmates, Cassie is spending the break with her Nana and dad, Nick is working,Ben has burned up the neighborhood on his bike, and Allie and I have dog training on Saturday morning. Perfect way to start Spring Break!

Last night while watching the movie I received a text with the picture above from Noel. It said "we R cool in the security cameras". Now in this house its all fun and games until someone loses an eye, or the cops bring you home...old girl better hope she is blind and I don't see flashing blue lights :)

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cassie-ism Update

We have a new Cassie-ism to add to the list. Yesterday Cassie stopped Tom while he was talking and told him that his corn was moving. After looking around the room in confusion he finally had to give in and ask what the _____ she was talking about. She said "you know, your corn!". She then proceeded to point to his Adams "Apple". Nothing else to say about that one!

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.


Hole in One

Dennis "Poppie" had a hole in one last week. I think the joy on his face says it all. Just does not get much better than this! My tribe has an amazing group of adults who enhance every aspect of their life....competition, joy, elation, delight just to name a few.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.

Happiness never lays its finger on its pulse.

While sneaking off for a few quiet BLOGGER minutes tonight all heck broke loose.

I swear on all that is holy I am not giggleing while I type this!!!!!!

Hondo was upstairs replacing the turn motor in the microwave. When done he walked into the garage to put away the tools he had used. While attempting to come back into the house the door slammed shut...unfortunately he had not removed his finger from the jam. The door closed and LOCKED with his finger stuck inside it....he banged on the door for several minutes because his keys were hanging on the inside of the door on the hook (at least we knew where they were). No one heard his cries for help, or the insistant banging...because the dogs were barking. He was finally able to reach the hidden key we keep on the shelf and unlock the door and let himself in.

His finger is a lovely shade of purple...not sure if he is going to keep his nail...it is always amazing how large a body part can swell...and to top it all off it is his BIRD finger ( the kids are impressed with his ability to shoot!).

We have placed the finger in a glass of ice water, I am sure that he will not lose it, but I am almost positive that he won't be picking his nose anytime in the future.

It may never be easy, it will most certainly not be dull, but it will always be worth it.

What weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?

I have a million things that I could blog about but today was a bad weight day.

Most of you know that I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. I was the skinny child...actually called Tweety because of my legs. Because I was so skinny I began a life of VERY bad eating habits. Nothing is complete unless it has a sauce on it, cheese is a food group, mayonnaise is a God and sweet tea is the nectar of the Gods.

Add to my eating habits several back to back pregnancies and you have a disaster that was not "waiting to happen"...it actually happened.

My "ahh ha" moment came about a year ago...I remember it VIVIDLY! Hondo walked into the living room to announce that he had lost weight...then he committed the sin of all sins...he stated what he weighed. Not one who is naturally strong in math..it took a hot second for my weeeee brain to calculate that I was within a few (did you hear me? FEW) pounds of my fit and trim husband.

OH SH**, I weighed a FEW pounds less than him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So over the last year I have succeeded in dropping 5 dress sizes ( I will let you imagine the numbers, it is more fun that way) and over 50 pounds. Diets, calories, carbs, slim fast, diet pills and any other fast way to burn a calorie without actually exercising has become my addiction...and my family has suffered right along with me. Now I tell you all how lucky I am..but it is the truth...not one time has Hondo EVER said one thing about my weight. He tells me how proud he is of me...and at the same time that he would love me no matter what my size.

The office that I work in has been doing a "biggest loser". I did not join the group, I had already decided I was focused enough (that is what I am calling it FOCUS). I have followed along with their progress reading the weekly emails. There are inspirational messages posted in the lady's room that I read every day...and I cheer silently when I see them fixing a lean cuisine.

What I did not realize was how completely NUTTY FRUITY I had become..of course my friends knew it...but today it came full circle.

An email was sent out that those who needed to weigh should do so, the scale that was in the bathroom was going to be taken home for spring break. I immediately went into panic mode. I have secretly been going into the bathroom every morning, weighing before I used the little girls room...then weighing after to see if there was any change. I have actually locked the door, taken everything out of my pockets, taken off my shoes, my jacket and sometimes my sweater to see if it made me weigh less. I do check the door to make sure it is locked (my boss does use this restroom also)...I am not proud...but I have even stood on one leg and jumped up to see if it would make me just a pound or two lighter.

I have considered sneaking to the county office and crawling my big fat fannie onto the postal scale....I am sure the superintendant would never notice...I guess tomorrow I am going to have to send out an email that asks them to put back the freaking scale before I have to be committed.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.