It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.
… as to why we are not the cool parents!
Last night while having a tribe meeting, to refresh memories as to computer expectations, I made a comment I have thought about all day.
It went something like this …“but Mom __(insert any name)__ has a cell phone” “Yes dear but I am not _(insert any name )___ Mom”. AGH did I say that? AGAIN???
Have I truly turned into my parents? And is that such a bad thing?
We have a house full of teenagers that we have not provided cell phones. We just can not think of anywhere that they will go that will not have a phone, a parent with a phone..heck for that matter another child with a phone. It is not a toy, so there is not a need for one. It is not a god given right…so again no need for one. We do have a “family” cell that can be sent with them in an emergency or if we feel we need to get in touch in a hurry…and NOT ONE child has a job to pay the bill…so a cell phone bill, times a tribe, would be insane. Friends who come to spend the night leave cell phones in a basket on the counter. Their parents have all our numbers should they need to reach them.
We have one house phone mounted on the wall in the kitchen. There is no cordless to hide and talk on. There should not be conversations in the house that are so private you need to be alone to have them.
If a friend comes to pick you up, they must come in and say hello to the parents. (and all the tribe members who want to check them out )
We do not have MySpace pages, multiple email accounts, YouTube downloads…all the internet trash that rots your brains. They only recently got access to Facebook. It is monitored so heavily by the parents that posting something on the FBI website would be easier.
We do not watch TV until after 7 on weeknights, and video games are for the weekend.
They may not spend the night with children we do not know.
They ride their bikes if the destination is within 5 miles. I do not have a taxi license.
Our computers are in local family areas, so that anyone can see what you are looking at, no matter what the time of day or night. 30 minutes maximum is plenty to spend on line…if you need to talk to a friend longer…CALL THEM!
All very very un-cool to the teenagers of our house.
The reality is…my children love to read…as I type this they are playing ping pong with Hondo…they love cards and board games…I know all their friends and truly have fallen in love with the majority of them…all things that may not have happened if they had fermented their brains with Grand Theft Auto.
No one has died from lack of a cell phone (although they might tell you differently).
I am well aware of the dangers of our society and I take very seriously my job to protect them to the best of my ability. With all the “stuff” we put into their hands …all in the name of technology and indulgence…it makes that job even harder.
As I look around the den tonight I am proud of where we are…were we are going…and how delightful my tribe is (even if they are now fighting over who serves better).
So to get back to where I started…I made a “parental” comment. You know the comment you SWORE to never say when you became a parent. Where are they stored in your head? Is it passed down in our genes? How is it possible to hear something as a 5 year old and regurgitate it word for word when you are 45 years old? And is it so bad? I kinda like to think that I turned out okay…and if I use them on my tribe that they too will turn out just dandy. Plus some of them just are so fun to say!
These were just the few I could think of as I sit here and giggle. Please feel free to add your own.
It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.
That is what is being yelled throughout the hacienda as the Dallas Cowboys win their first playoff game since 1996. I think he may be as excited as I was to find out we did not have school on Friday…and let me tell you that is mighty excited.
I do not have to load the kids up in the cold…I know that the rest of the weekend will be bearable because Hondo will not be sulking in his office…and I also know that we have yet another nail biter game or 2 to sit through!!!
Rock on Cowboys!
34 to 14!!!
Bring it on Favre…we are ready for your old (albeit winning) bootie!
It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.
I am sitting here tonight blogging while watching the Dallas Cowboys play.
As I have blogged before, we are a Dallas family through and through.
This season my man is Miles Austin. This guy may have been born in New Jersey but he is a Texan by golly. I am thinking maybe I need a Fathead of Austin to put next to Emmett Smith in my Dallas room.
Now it is only halftime …the score is 27/7 …lots of words that I can not type because this is a rated G blog have been yelled at the TV tonight…but we are forever hopeful that we are finally going to be making a trip to the super bowl on February 7,2010.
If however they lose tonight I may load up the kids and drive to my mothers for the night…I do not think that the kids will need to see Hondo roll around on the floor… while howling and ripping his hair out at the roots.
Please, oh please, oh please let them win.
It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.
Some family trees have beautiful leaves, and some have just a bunch of nuts. Remember, it is the nuts that make the tree worth shaking.
~Author Unknown
I get my love of family memories, stories and history honestly. My mother has spent many hours researching our family…and this year we were given a gift from her heart.
A hard back, bound, personalized family tree book. Complete with pictures, stories and little bits of humor.
Now I have been the teller of many family tree jokes…you know the ones…their gene pool is so shallow its a wading pool…their family tree is one branch straight up…your mama is so fat she broke the family tree…a family reunion is an effective form of birth control…the list goes on and on.
I will no longer be telling these jokes…seeing your family tree when you have a few marriages between the two of you it makes for an interesting family tree…more like a weeping willow as Cassie was quick to point out.
There was some weeping as I read this…not because of the look of my tree…but because of the hours my mother put into the gift…the pictures of family members that have made the trip to heaven and are missed dearly and the love with which it was all put together.
My book is already a little dog eared from the kids continuing to read it…but what a beautiful gift to be able to pass along to my children’s grandchildren.
It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.
I am worse than the kids...I yelled louder, jumped higher, and celebrated more than my children when we found out that we had a snow day this Friday. I know that logically it makes no sense, with all the rain we have no available days in our calendar. We WILL have to make it up....but its SNOWING.
It was the first snowfall of the season...I was able to take my first snow day as a school employee ...and I got to watch my children revert back to toddlers as they rushed out the door to dance in the snow.
Dallas and Deacon enjoyed it as much as we did. This was the first snow for Deacon since he has come to live here...and I think I got as much joy watching the two of them play as I did when I was watching the kids.
It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.
It is a sickness…that I need to buy every one that is lined up at the counter when I check out at the grocery store.
I have actually come up with creative ways to pass them past Hondo when we check out so that he does not see them until we get home.
I mean really, much like shoes, a girl can not have enough cookbooks.
My excuses are few (I just do not feel like I need many on this subject).
1. I love to cook for my family, and making a new dish they love, fills me with warm fuzzy joy.
2. I was not born a great cook, it did not come naturally, and I need all the help I can get.
For Christmas this year my mother bought my sister and I each a Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook. We knew about the Pioneer Woman from her blogs…and my Mom had made a couple of her dishes that were yummy, so I was excited to try my hand at some of the recipes.
Dear lord in heaven if this is not the bestest cookbook in the whole entire universe I do not know what is. Since Christmas morning we have been trying out the recipes one at a time, lasagna, enchiladas, meatloaf (because I had to double it for the tribe it had 12 pieces of bread, 2 cups of parmesan cheese, 8 eggs and 2 cups of milk just to name a few ingredients) , chicken in a basket…the list goes on and on. Not one recipe has been bad…as a matter of fact according to my family the lasagna was the best lasagna they have ever had, the meatloaf was the best meal they have ever had…and this morning when I made breakfast I made 10 chickens in a basket…a record for me.
We have been texting back and forth the results of the latest recipe…how much we are eating…and if she could possibly use any more butter?
I love me some Pioneer Woman! Yeehah!
It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.
Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered. What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day. Phyllis Diller
Oh yes it is that time…the time to look for the perfect dress…shine up your smile…and prepare yourself for the office Christmas party.
I really can not complain to much. Hondo’s office parties are pretty tame, I like the people he works with, his boss is wonderful and it is a free night out with no kids.
Why I stress about it I have no idea? This year was no different. I took my dress back and exchanged it no less than 7 times…each time swearing to the saleslady at Macy’s that I would not be back again. My girls actually refused to go back to the mall with me on the last trip claiming they were embarrassed to be seen with me! I will remember that one girlies!
We made plans to spend the night at the hotel that hosted it, a quite swanky place…I did the obligatory dieting before the big day…we were all set.
Great food, great music and dancing and great spirits. AHHHHH so this is where the story was leading…great spirits…and not in the go team go kinda spirits…but in the Cabernet and Pinot Noir kinda spirits..
Not a huge drinker…I did not have my first glass of wine until the end of the party. I call this pacing myself, Hondo calls this job security. By this time I had decided that we were in downtown Atlanta, I was wearing a banging hot dress, I was with the man I love and I was bound and determined to go dancing. In typical Hondo fashion…dancing we went.
The next morning we had to be up extra early, Hondo had a trip to Brazil that was leaving at 3pm…meaning he had to be to the airport by 1pm. We had an hour drive home, he still had to pack, he wanted to be early because this was one of the few trips his boss was going on with him…and the tribe was waiting for us. While I laid in bed and tried to decide how bad I was going to feel when my feet hit the floor, Hondo decided to go take a shower.
I knew the minute I heard the following that something was maybe a little off…”what the heck?” “WHAT THE HECK?” “Are you serious?” “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” …”Oh honey????” “Could you please come in here????” …you know, to be honest, I really did not want to go in there. The reality was hotel rooms are not huge and the only place to hide was in the bathroom…and that was where Hondo was…so my choices were few.
Upon entering the bathroom Hondo looked at me…I should have made a run for it!
Hondo:“Sweetie? Did you have gum in your mouth last night?”
Me: “Ummm? Why do you ask?”
Hondo: “Sweetie, did you have gum in your mouth last night?”
Me: “Ummmmm? Geez baby I don’t think so…why?”
Me : giggle (for future reference not the best response)
Hondo: “Well?” “Can I get some help here?”
Me: giggle (again.. not the best response)
Hondo: “I am so glad that you find this humorous, however I have a wad of green gum stuck to the back of my f-ing head, can you please see if you can get it out?”
Me: “umm baby that is not going to happen, it’s huge (giggle) I think I am going to have to cut it (giggle), you know you really should avoid getting gum in your hair in the future (ROFLOL)
Hondo: “Just cut the ^%$^ out so we can go home”
Me: “You have a hat right? I am hungry and I don’t want to be seen with your hair looking like that in public (giggle)”
I cut the gum out, he put on a hat, (just a quick note that this was not the time to tell him he looked like Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber, okay so there was never a time to tell him that but I could not resist), I got my Varsity hotdog on the way home, I got a little nap while waiting in the car as he got a haircut to straighten up what I cut out, he made his flight even though he had to spend quite a bit of time explaining to his boss how his hairstyle changed so much when he had only seen him the night before….and the kids had the best laugh they had all year, when hearing the explanation as to where all his hair had gone.
Have I told you that I am married to a saint recently? The fact that he still looks at me every night and tells me he loves me is beyond anything that I could possibly have hoped for in this life time…I know that he is a little grayer because of us…I like to think of that as adding a little color to his life!!!!
It may never be easy but it will always be worth it…even with gum in your hair.