Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it?

If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.  ~Linda Sunshine


Growing up my sister, Erin, was a terror. She hid in the closet and spied as my dates and I sat on the couch. She used to sit in her room and scream “Mom, Shannon hit me”…as I sat on the toilet, no where near her. She bloodied more kids nose’s in the neighborhood than I can remember. She used to sit next to my boyfriends and “fart” (yes Mom I know you hate that word) and then when you would look at her she would smile and say “whaaat”. She actually overheard a conversation my parents had about a little girl that had over stayed her spend the night time, and came into my room and said “my Mom and Dad need to know when you are leaving, you talk too much”. 

I have no idea how it happened…but this terror is my best friend. Now I don’t mean best friend love ya lots…but OMG you better not say a thing or I will rip your head off and shove it up your fannie best friend.

Erin has grown into a confident, self assured, smart, funny, resilient, talented woman that I am proud to know. She is a gifted writer, a mother to my precious niece and nephew, and the best dang Aunt ever. We laugh at each other so hard we pee our pants, we cry when the other is hurt and if she doesn’t like someone, it is a given, that I don’t either. Above all else we keep each other grounded. I do not for one second take this gift of a sister for granted, and its all the better knowing that she does not either.

I laugh when I tell people that although she walked around with a bucket on her head, hitting it with a stick (not exaggerating on this one, I promise) she is the normal one.

It is with great joy and pleasure that I watch her children run her ragged.  My nephew, Parker, is a fiery red head and my darling niece, Nora, is the epitome of all that was Erin.  I love to get the, OMG, look what they just did texts…and I hoot out loud every time she says “what did I do to deserve this?”

The latest text was accompanied by the picture above and the following“It is a sad sad day in the Stone house. That was an entire unopened bottle of wine that my son knocked off the top of the refrigerator. I needed to mop already, but damn”. Yes, Erin, I am laughing…and if you need a reminder …

For Christmas one year my Grandmother had brought me back a watch, with a black velvet band, from the Virgin Islands. As I unwrapped the watch (I was 16 at the time) I ohhhed and ahhhed and showed everyone that it had rhinestones and the words The Virgin Islands on the face. Erin proceeded to tell everyone, friends, family, relatives of all ages….”But Shannon is not a virgin…” At this point my Grandmother lost consciousness, my father choked on a cinnamon roll and my mother aged 25 years before my face. Erin then followed it with “she is not a virgin…she is a Pisces's.” I do not think my grandmother was ever the same…and my parents grounded me for 4 weeks, just to be safe. I have not read the horoscopes with the same zest ever again.

So tonight I raise my wine glass to you, dear sister.  As I still have a bottle that is full…and toast to you…my best friend, my confidant you are but a different flower from the same garden of my life.

One of the best things about being an adult is the realization that you can share with your sister and still have plenty for yourself.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.



  1. OMG, I'm squawling! I love you more than life itself. I'm the woman I am today because I had the best role model.

    Hugs & Kisses!

  2. my mom hates that word too!
    i hope me and my sister turn out like you two!
    cause aunt erin sounds alot like me with out the hitting and TOOTing(:
    love sami(:
