Monday, April 5, 2010

Smile for the camera.




Cassie was the latest member of the tribe to get braces, bringing the total back up to 4 (I got mine off Thanksgiving). Of course this could not happen with out “Cassie drama”. 

The day that Cassie had her braces put on she would NOT keep her hands out of her mouth.  If I needed to talk to her, I was pretty sure I would find her in the bathroom with her mouth open looking in the mirror.

I tried every way possible to scare her into leaving the blasted things alone…of course nothing I said could take away her need to look, touch, poke and prod at them.

Sometime around 7PM on the night she got them I heard her screaming “Oh Mom, Oh Mom, get them off, get them off”. It seems as if Cassie had released the rubber bands, bent the wire, and had somehow gotten the wire wedged into the gum AND the inside of her cheek.

I quickly ran downstairs, pulled out my jewelry kit and grabbed a flashlight. I do believe if I say so myself I missed my calling.  I should have gone to dental school and not nursing school. It took some “reconnoitering” but I was able to remove all the bands and wires.

Unfortunately I had to call the dentist the next day, explain why she did not have the braces on her teeth….the ones she left their office with less than 24 hours before, and make an appointment for that afternoon to have them replaced.

It may never be easy but it will always be worth it.


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